Saturday, February 14, 2015

Photo Mural Commission - Part 3

"Trinity" an original photo-triptych by Atom Magadia

"To see a World in a grain of sand
and Heaven in a wild FLOWER
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
and Eternity in an hour..."
William Blake
"There is Nothing you can see
that is not a FLOWER..."
Matsuo Basho
"No more words
In the Name of this Place
we drink in with our breathing
Stay quiet like a FLOWER
so the Nightbirds will start singing..."
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi

Beside the actual artwork

Last week, with a sigh of relief, I finally delivered the commissioned artwork to my clients. I was nervous since they actually invited a group of friends to witness the actual unveiling.
I am happy to report that my clients are both ecstatic at the extremely positive reception their new artwork has been getting from everyone. According to them, most are immediately struck by the bold composition and the vibrant colors. The ones who initially mistake it for an abstract painting, are dumb-struck when they finally realize that they are actually looking at unadulterated floral (orchid) photos. But the real kick happens when the clients finally reveal the title and the "Biblical" concept of the art-piece, because it never fails to amusement and surprise everybody. They added that a lot of people have already taken "selfies" with it, which makes them doubly happy to have commissioned it. "Trinity" has become the new conversation piece of their extensive art collection.  

I am grateful to the wonderful work of great artists like Georgia O'Keefe, Irving Penn and Imogen Cunningham for steering me in the right direction; to my wife and partner Anne, who helped me in a hundred different ways to get this project done; and of course to God (the Great Mystery) who always feeds my Art through my thoughts, my eyes and my hands... thank you all so much for the magic!

For the whole story, please click on the links below:

-- The Artwork/Photo Collage "Trinity" is copyrighted by Atom Magadia.

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